Dr. Amitabh Ghosh, a NASA Scientist and Advisor RLaCM interviewed by WION on the research on Gravitational Waves.

Dr. Amitabh Ghosh, a NASA Scientist and Advisor RLaCM interviewed by WION on India joining the elite International LIGO program for research on Gravitational Waves.

LIGO India

LIGO-India is a collaboration between the LIGO Laboratory (operated by Caltech and MIT) and three Institutes in India: the Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology (RRCAT, in Indore), the Institute for Plasma Research (IPR in Ahmedabad), and the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA, in Pune).

The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) was designed to open the field of gravitational-wave astrophysics through the direct detection of gravitational waves predicted by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. LIGO-India will be located in the Hingoli district of Maharashtra, about 450 km east of Mumbai, and is scheduled to begin scientific runs from 2030.

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