Amit Chatterjee

Amit Chatterjee

(IIT Kgp, IITD) ASQ Fellow, SMIEEE Former MD ASQ India & South Asia Former Tata & Honeywell Executive

Professional Experience

  • Indian Institute of Technology
    New Delhi, India
    Doctoral Scholar, IIT Delhi, 2014 – Present
  • ASQ India
    New Delhi. India
    Founding Managing Director & Board Member, ASQ-India, South & S.E. Asian Region2010 – 2019
  • FICCI,
    New Delhi, India
    Director, Corporate Initiatives, 2004 – 2009
  • Tata Honeywell Ltd.
    Pune Area, India
    General Manager, Corporate Strategy & Business Development, 2000 – 2004
  • Emerson Process Management, India
    Assistant Manager, Marketing-Industrial Automation Systems,
    1990 – 1992

Amit has been educated at IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur and St. Stephens College, the University of Delhi in Management Sciences, Engineering Sciences, and Physical Sciences respectively. He combines his academic bandwidth in interdisciplinary areas, anchored in strong fundamentals, with more than three decades of practical industry experience with major brands. Some of these brands include Cadbury, Emerson, Honeywell, Tata Group, and FICCI.  The practice side of his experience involves roles of high impact and responsibilities in senior leadership, general management, and functional areas.

His corporate engagements include both non-profit as well as for-profit sectors—covering small, medium, and large enterprises. It encompasses sectors like food processing, automation technologies, continuous process manufacturing, defense & aerospace, discrete manufacturing, automotive, energy, metallurgy, engineering, R&D, and healthcare sectors.

He has been deeply involved in volunteering activities with major international and national level professional bodies such as ASQ, IEEE, and AIMA. Due to his leadership contributions in the area of Strategic Quality, he has been elected as a Fellow of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and is a Senior Member of IEEE with active involvement in Technology & Engineering Management. He has featured in discussions on important topics in print as well as television media, that are related to issues impacting national and global development.