Subir Gupta

Subir Gupta

Subir Gupta is the Founding Partner at Sustainability Advisors. Earlier he was Chief Executive – India at ERM (Environmental Resources Management).

A Chemical Engineer with 35+ years of experience of which more than 20 years have been in managing the India business of one of the world’s leading sustainability consulting firms engaged in providing Environmental, Social, Health & Safety, Risk, and Climate Change Services. He has made significant contributions- in developing the regulatory framework for hazardous chemicals management, hazardous waste management; in developing National – level Guidance Manual for Responding to Man-made Disasters, streamlining the regulatory environmental clearance process, and in developing the Sustainable Development Framework for the mining sector. He has also been involved in several CDM verification projects as Sector Expert under the UNFCCC. He continues to work in the ESG advisory area and in providing sustainable solutions to corporates.

Subir is a Senior Member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). He is a member of the All India Management Association, and a Fellow Member of the Institute of Directors.

Subir has earlier worked with Tata Sons and with Shriram Foods and Fertilizer Industries, New Delhi, (formerly DCM Chemicals).